Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Cramp

Well, survived day one of the children's (Thing 1 and Thing 2) summer vacation from school. I only had to threaten full time, full day camp 5 times and a military academy 2 times. This school's out thing is cramping my style.

After several episodes of whining, I kicked them both out of the house, as it was a beautiful day, and I remember as a kid, we only hung out inside when we were forced to come home for lunch and dinner. So of course, like a recurring rash, they kept coming back, trying to get into the house. Or worse, they would stand within ear shot of my office and torment each other, with one or the other taking turns screaming "Mommy, mommy" at the top of their lungs, as if a grizzly bear were about to attack them.

Finally, when they realized I wasn't going to let them in until lunch time and that no neighborhood kids happened to be around, I noticed an eery quiet decend on the place. I became all proud, thinking that my plan had worked and that they had finally realized they could stop trying to get my attention/annoy me/make me regret I didn't send them to 7 weeks of sleep away camp, and have some fun.

What I found in reality was the two of them, their nintendos in hand, playing some kind of virtual chase game. I momentarily thought of confiscating the nintendos, because it wasn't what I had in mind. Then I came to my senses, realized they were momentarily not at each others' throats and out of the house and my hair as well. Whatever. We shall see what day two brings, I am hoping it is other kids in the neighborhood.

1 comment:

artichoke26 said...

Hey Donna!
I have been reading your blog everyday since christopher sent me a link to it! I have been cracking up everyday, too! Ahhh...the life of a parent...i alwayd looked forward to semmer as a teacher because it was a big vacation...but it seems as if having kids will change all of that! :)
ps-i forwarded your blog to my aunt cindy. i am sure she will enjoy it!