Monday, June 30, 2008

Gym Rat

I am trying to get into a summer gym groove. It is hard with the kids around a lot more, balancing work and also dealing with the strange men putting in our patio. What do the strange men have to do with going to the gym? Well, if it weren't for them working at the house, I would have no problem leaving the kids (Thing 1 and Thing 2) for an hour and twenty minutes to get my work out in and come back. I just don't want to risk it as, who knows what backgrounds these guys have?

Anyway, I made a deal with the hubby and went off to the 7:45 class this am so I could work out with peace of mind with respect to the kids. Having to squeeze in the workout like this makes me realize how much I should appreciate it and the effort to make it to the gym. So, I have decided to work on some of my poor gym attitude, or as I like to call it, fatitude. Some of you may recognize that you too share this fatitude on occasion:

The act of feigning an urgent bladder issue, and heading to the bathroom stall, whenever you come to a part of the circuit you really don't like.

Trying to keep pace with your neighboring gymbot, not out of competitiveness, but to get the scoop on her friend, the gossip at school, to complain about the town taxes, anything to get your mind off of the self inflicted torture, I mean exercise.

Stationary Amnesia
When you haven't the foggiest idea what you are supposed to do at a certain station in the circuit, even though the instructor went over it in detail, not two minutes prior. Note, this can also be self-inflicted when an exercise is too distasteful to remember, similar to childbirth.

Hydration Motivation
When the only thing that can keep you going through the circuit is heading for your water bottle (conveniently placed as far from the circuit as possible) between each station.

Modification Preservation
Modifying the exercise to keep my sanity or my joints from whining.

As for this morning's workout, other than a wee bit of modification preservation, I did not suffer from any stationary amnesia and could not be accused of stalling. I did have a mild case of hydration motivation, but all in all, I was really self-nosivated, concentrating on my saddlebags and spare tire and trying to figure out where they came from.

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